Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Looking forward to watching Biggest Loser tonight for some inspiration!  I love seeing the progress week over week.  I'm defiantly taking this one day at a time but to know if I continue to stack each day into weeks with results is inspirational. 

Go Mama!

Day Two....

Last night was a trip.  My mind was going through a lot of major events and decisions that I've made in my life....I was going through mistakes, happy times everything- and made peace with all of it- I had to forgive myself for my errors and wrong doings and appreciate the joyful events of my life in order to make room for future decisions and events- I am really working on controlling my thoughts so that I am able to handle and potential negative thoughts that try to sneak in- I believe this is all part of my decision to change my lifestyle.

I do feel a little more energetic today- Going to try and step up the workout a little to include 2 miles of walking and light arm weights- talked hubby into substituting one of the fist meals with turkey- I want to be successful and not set myself up for failure.... baby steps!

Go Mama!

Monday, April 11, 2011


I have the worst headache ever- sugar withdraw....this SUCKS....I don't ever want to go back to this lifestyle- it actually really causes physical pain-  I will address this with a walk and lots of water.

Go Mama!

First Day

Today was the first day of my diet and fitness program.  Weighed in at 251 and took some photos- rough!  I think the pics really hit home.  I know that I just had a baby so I do cut myself some slack there but I had no idea I'd gone that far off the grid.  I am just super proud that I have taken the first steps.  My husband is on this journey with me so I feel well supported and encouraged that I can and will be sucessful.

Breakfast was egg whites, oatmeal and raisins.  Not bad- actually feel pretty energized.  Next is a protien shake-  can't wait to get the workout in-

Mentally and spiritually I feel great- looking forward the results of this first week :)

Go Mama! 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Starting Tommorow....

Tomorrow is day 1 of a diet and exercise program I am starting with the assistance of my husband.  Although I've lost 25 lbs related to the pregnancy, I really need to lose 100lbs total to get to my ideal weight of 150 (I'm 5'6") and health status.  I love that my husband is helping but I am totally doing this for myself.  For once in my life I want weight to no longer be an issue for me- so this is going to be a mentally, spritually and physically challanging undertaking for me- not to mention balancing this program with being a mother to a newborn and trying to ensure that I keep my marriage a priority as well- oh yea I also work full time outside of the home....deep breath....I CAN DO THIS- I deserve to put myself as a priority to be a better wife, mother, employee, sister, daughter, friend, niece, aunt, etc....If I don't take care of myself first everything else will suffer.... I CAN DO THIS!!!!