Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day Two....

Last night was a trip.  My mind was going through a lot of major events and decisions that I've made in my life....I was going through mistakes, happy times everything- and made peace with all of it- I had to forgive myself for my errors and wrong doings and appreciate the joyful events of my life in order to make room for future decisions and events- I am really working on controlling my thoughts so that I am able to handle and potential negative thoughts that try to sneak in- I believe this is all part of my decision to change my lifestyle.

I do feel a little more energetic today- Going to try and step up the workout a little to include 2 miles of walking and light arm weights- talked hubby into substituting one of the fist meals with turkey- I want to be successful and not set myself up for failure.... baby steps!

Go Mama!

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