Sunday, April 10, 2011

Starting Tommorow....

Tomorrow is day 1 of a diet and exercise program I am starting with the assistance of my husband.  Although I've lost 25 lbs related to the pregnancy, I really need to lose 100lbs total to get to my ideal weight of 150 (I'm 5'6") and health status.  I love that my husband is helping but I am totally doing this for myself.  For once in my life I want weight to no longer be an issue for me- so this is going to be a mentally, spritually and physically challanging undertaking for me- not to mention balancing this program with being a mother to a newborn and trying to ensure that I keep my marriage a priority as well- oh yea I also work full time outside of the home....deep breath....I CAN DO THIS- I deserve to put myself as a priority to be a better wife, mother, employee, sister, daughter, friend, niece, aunt, etc....If I don't take care of myself first everything else will suffer.... I CAN DO THIS!!!!

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